Month: January 2017

3 out of 10 Irish Law Firms Subject to Cyber Attacks in 2016

3 out of 10 Irish Law Firms subject to Cyber attack

It was announced in a study by Amárach Research today that there has been a major increase (approximately 50%) in the number of Irish law firms subject to a cyber attack in the past year. Unfortunately the scale of the problem may even be worse as a lot of cyber attacks go unreported.

Given the sensitive nature of the personal data that law firms process, and the ever increasing threat and sophistication of online attacks, Henocon cyber security specialists can help law firms keep ahead of attacks.

  1. Henocon can provide complete visibility of any vulnerabilities which exist from the perimeter of your network, throughout your infrastructure and right down to your end user’s desktop. Penetration Testing is a method of finding vulnerabilities – before the bad guys do.
  2. Infrastructure Hardening can be done following a Penetration Test or can also be done proactively to reduce the surface an attacker can exploit. Henocon can strengthen the security of most devices and application in your infrastructure to ensure that there is no weak link in the chain.
  3. As a Penetration Test is a snapshot of your vulnerability at a point in time (and likely to change as more vulnerabilities and exploits become available). Henocon can work with you to put a proactive plan in place to help avoid a disaster occurring, and how to deal with a disaster should it arise.