Important Articles worth reading
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Awareness of being a Data Controller/Processor and Relevant Obligations:
Passwordless – the new MFA
“Passwordless” authentication is a recent addition to the cybersecurity arsenal of combatting credential theft. Microsoft, Apple and Google have recently ...
Zero Day Vulnerability identified in Office Products
Vulnerability in Microsoft Office products, called “Follina”, that bypasses many of the built-in security protections found. This vulnerability leverages the ...
3 out of 10 Irish Law Firms Subject to Cyber Attacks in 2016
It was announced in a study by Amárach Research today that there has been a major increase (approximately 50%) in ...
In what ways does hacking affect your business?
Protect your business IT systems from malicious attack with Henocon Ltd. Know the risks!
Network Penetration Testing
A penetration test (Network Penetration Testing), is a simulated attack on a computer system that looks for security weaknesses, with ...
Network Infrastructure Hardening
Network Infrastructure Hardening is usually the process of securing a system by reducing its vulnerability, which is larger when a ...
Security Strategy Planning
Put a proactive plan in place to help avoid a disaster occurring, and how to deal with a disaster should ...